“It is so strange to wake up and know
that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.” Lara was
talking to herself in the mirror. “ Other women can't understand,
naturally they hate me, I suppose, why wouldn't they? What they don't
understand is the effort that I have to make, the work and the
working out that I have to do, the pain, the self denial, it's
constant.” She was looking deep into her own eyes, the conversation
becoming more serious though her refection took no notice and blankly
refused to answer. “I fine tune the regime, try things, drop
things, stick with things, note what works and what fails, all to
stay here in the top slot. Clothes, hair, cosmetics and preparations,
that's just the start, that's almost the easy part. It's keeping
yourself out there, being seen, even heard once in a while. No, they
don't really want to listen to me, nobody wants a talking magazine
cover or a model that chats on the cat walk. It's forever about my
superficiality and only the very edges of anything else...but at the
moment I retain the edge.”
She continued to chat into the mirror,
unconsciously she was fixing her skin, her hair, looking for some
tiny, threatening blemish, looking for the start of the downhill
rot...but that was some time away. Right now she had to dab a tissue
on her lipstick and squint at the corners of her eyes, just to check
the translucence that was always there was always there.
“This is for my fans, the little
people.” She was brushing her hair. “And this is for the scumbag
press and the media liars and the bad bloggers and the paps.” She
dabbed nail varnish remover across her fingertips with cotton
wool...where is my manicure? It's nearly eleven.” She sipped some
cold water. “Nice, pure, cold and clear...a little like myself.”
“Maybe today I feel I have a sore
back, like my Polish mother would have said, like a worker, maybe I'm
tired but still buzzing.” She sat back in the chair and daydreamed
about smoking a long Russian cigarette and eating a large
cheeseburger. “I do look sexy when I smoke, I look good and dirty
and independent but that's not so good for this image, for the
business. These managers they tell me what to do, where to go, what
flight, I get there but I never really know where I am...other than
the top. My mother would have laughed at that, traveling the world,
five star everything, six star anytime ans still only wanting to be
something that's a position on a list, a position on a list, a
slippery, stupid list.”
Lara's phone chirped. She ignored it
for a moment then picked it up. Few folks had her number and she had
very few numbers. Being number one doesn't mean that all the numbers
fall straightaway into the right places. Some number vanish all
together. Some numbers are in funds and investments and bonds and
sunny shiny white properties that will act like a magnet for other
sunny white properties and their sunny owners, occupiers and clients.
She sipped more water listening to the voice on the other end of the
phone call. It was itinerary, travel appearances and way down in the
detail some work, covers and opening nights and appointments.
Tomorrow was to be a travel day.
She put the phone down and returned to
the mirror conversation. “They say I have eight hours, then it's
that premiere, then sleep, then an early start and I'm in Dubai or
somewhere...are you getting this dumb bitch? Are you having a fantasy
about a lettuce leaf or an oatmeal cracker? Are you worried about the
size of the gap between your thighs? We both have stuff to do, to
straighten out and I need you to be straight with me but you never
talk. I do all the hard work planning and getting dressed and
undressed and you...you just look back at me.” She tapped on three
perfume bottles as if they were a little drum kit. “Boom, boom,
boom I need red meat, masturbation, maybe a man,maybe a woman. A
trustworthy worker who'll fill my bed and move between me and that
mirror woman. Yes I'm talking about you, you look like you're
listening but I'm not so sure, glassy eyes and that haughty look.
What am I to make of that? So it's back to you and I am you're only
audience but you refuse to perform for me.”
When your best friend is only a
reflection your conversations will be frustrating; circular, tedious
affairs, you will question your sanity. Mirror people don't talk back
or share, interact, argue or tell you anything new. So you get in
there and you find, suddenly it's all too deep, you've manoeuvred
yourself into that place, that mirrored hall of self examination and
reflection where you can go but no one else can reach you. You can't
describe it or explain it, it's a ditch and you're ditched.
Maybe under different circumstances,
with better tutelage, guidance, a smaller mirror even, Lara would
have made that flight to Dubai. As it was she never was found but
then again nobody knew she was lost and she never was number one
anyway They said it was all a bit “smoke and mirrors”, that
listing. If it did exist then the prize belonged to the girl in the
mirror, wherever she has gone.
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