So that was time, it was fun while it lasted, while it was real. Now it's ruined, completely discredited. There is no such thing as time and so we live in a non-time world where things happen but in no particular order and unbounded or unrestrained by the false construct that we found time to be. Strangely it was that most time driven of things, computer science that killed off time. Some simple, strait forward calculations, some manipulation and some adjustments and time stopped. Oddly it took time for all that to sink in, we needed to adjust. So many things to switch off and then allow to settle. For some it was like sinking into mud or quicksand, the refusniks who couldn't grasp it. Poor tiny,shackled minds. They badly need the boundary and restraint that time kindly offered. They failed to see what a restrictive constraint it was, and it was. With no time to hold us bad productivity soared. Economic booms burst for as the maths re-imagined limitless capacity, all the time in the world and no time at all.
I was driving, without limits of course. A police cruisers flashed past me, blue lights and rain spray across the road and windscreen. There had been many crimes, it's indicative of how the Time-Boom had played out. There was money and disposable wealth on every street corner and mall entrance. Money was swallowed whole and spat back out into industry and investment. Great blocks of brutal concrete rose, glass and new materials decked these Christmas tree icons out. The robots pushed out more product, more raw materials, more synthesis, more scope, no barriers.
Some workers were troubled and began disputes. These were quickly quelled and the ring leaders would vanish. Perhaps the police or the army sorted things, it wasn't clear. Memorials were raised, to the "Time Revolutionaries", faithful comrades who just missed the point a little. It seemed like a good idea to remember, despite the lack of passing time, those who couldn't quite make the leap into a non-time driven world. The sun had been put back in it's place, we ruled it now, we revolved around it no more, it did what we said. The gears of the universe were running but not in any way past masters would recognise, the pattern was still, steady and random. We were in the clouds, driven by a the revelation of superior knowledge and a new dimensional world view.
Drugs were of course regularly (?) administered. They help some with the shock, others with the reality and others who need the edge taken from their anger. They'd lost a cornerstone and the old reality came back like some nightmare, one in which your legs were stuck in a swamp and your head was stuck in a fog. We drank a lot of pineapple juice spiked with an A20x@ Fluid. The Russians had invented it, so the story ran. Just before the Ice Age and the Shutdown. That fluid helped me find sleep in a way I'd never done before. Reality blended well with it and the stupor was a perfect place to live but not to work and as there was infinite free space now, that hardly mattered.
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