Wednesday, 14 August 2013

The truth about people who lie

They cant help it, they mean well, they are desperate, they have reasons, they are misunderstood, they are good really, they do it for the best, they do it for kicks, they do it to protect you, they do it to gain power, they do it to take power, they do it to cover up, they do it because they drink, they do it because they have something to hide, they do it because they feel inferior, they do it because they don't like you, they do it because they can't think of anything else to do, they do it because it's easy, they do it to spite god, they do it in spite of god, they do it because they need the money, they do it to kill time, they do it for fun, they do it for sex, they do it for no particular reason, they do it because they are possessed by evil spirits, they do it because you are in the way, they do it to entertain and amuse our alien overlords, they do it for sweets, they do it because they are compulsive liars, they do it for political gain, they do it for nothing. All this and more exist out there, such things are hidden in the deep store of riches awaiting the explorer of the world of lies and debased language.

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