Wednesday 16 October 2024

How Near Is Now?

"Nearly everyone has their box of secret pain."

Said John Steinbeck.

I wonder how nearly this nearly actually is. Close or missing by a mile.

There's no way of measuring. Secret pain remains the same.

Secret. That's all there is sometimes.

Wednesday 11 October 2023



Collection - our new album is out now all the main music   providers and streamer's sites. Nine tracks, ten videos and that may well increase.

Hear it on YouTube here.

impossible songs

Tuesday 3 November 2020


Everybody loves a look into the innards of the RO80 albeit the exterior design remains the best bit.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


 "Everyone we ever knew has gone".
"Everyone we ever knew has gone".
"Everyone we ever knew has gone".

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Short Film

A short film with a long commentary.

"I cleaned out the dishwasher filter, removed the gunge, fed the cats, 
(you know the chicken they are eating needs to be used up as it's past it's use by date).
MPs are not the same as experts. 
The shower should be unblocked.
Following a slow police van.
The laundry pretty much does itself itself. 
Black out Tuesday.
I've lost a sock.
Recycling by booking only.
I've three clean jiffy bags but nothing to put into them yet.
Black Lives Matter.
Sports laces on Amazon and an Arsenal birthday card.
Various types of fish.
Donald Trump doesn't know how to hold a bible.
I routinely check the temperature of the fridge, mostly it's making it.
There's a 61% chance of rain but only after 1700 this evening."

Saturday 8 June 2019

Weird car pics

I'm just parking these weird car pics here because it seems like the proper place to park weird car pics.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Best left alone

Said goodnight to Europe, switched off my phone,
Late in the evening and I'm best left alone,
Best left alone, best left alone with you.

Mom always told me to tell the truth,
That's exactly what I intend to do,
Cos' I'm best left alone, best left alone with you.

There's been times when I've had bad times,
There's been days I've been screwed,
So many nights I've gone crazy,
In the darkness without you.

So let me tell you baby the way it is,
You shake me up, you pop my fizz,
And I'm best left alone, best left alone with you.

Nostalgia hooked your parents like heroin,
Amelia, Hejira and Song for Sharon,
I'm best on my own, best left alone with you,
Best left alone, best left alone with you.

Sunday 15 April 2018


Woodland meditation. 
The best kind. 
Stock still in the silence of the trees.
Heavy air. 
Twigs, leaves and ditch water. 
Spring glow. 
Swing red. 
Swing low.

Sunday 25 March 2018


Funny how the politicians are like “Don’t listen to the kids, they don’t know anything about politics.” But the same politicians are like, “Listen to us. We know all the things about science."

Tod was staring at the wall. It was cracked and broken, there were bullet holes and a fine cloud of brick dust was hanging in the air, preparing to slowly settle on us as, in the newly begun silence we lay back and rested. Thoughts might have been collected if we could find them but truthfully all our minds were running at 100mph. The events of the past few hours, the firefights, the chaos, the noises and the damage has shocked us all into a dazzled numbness. We were new to this. The older fighters seemed sanguine and confident, they'd seen times like these. We'd heard tales, played video games and watched movies. The real thing was completely different and an awful sense of quiet panic and entrapment hung over us all as we stared at those walls, drilling pin holes in them with our eyes and biting our lips.

For a long time no one spoke.

Monday 19 March 2018

So history is running backwards now

I saw it in the eyes of the troopers, the soldiers, the helpers and then, eventually in the eyes of the wounded. The victims and the quarry, those on the wrong side for whatever reason.

"Why are we in this place, this situation? Time has ceased to be and now we are caught, neither one side of a thing or the other. "

A universal catastrophe in time is a hard thing to take in. To be honest nobody really got it. We just came up against a lot of reactions. A lot of extreme reactions, certainly below glacier level. That was where all the most dangerous people seemed to be gathered. Information was thin, scant, unreliable, people came to their own conclusions, some of them were just plain off the mark by miles.

My eyes adjusted to the space, I looked around. It was ghastly and I was afraid.

The area was lit by slow burning flares, red light, oozing on and fading off. There were crowds of people, agitated and waiting. Troopers tried to hold them in check. There was angry chatter and bursts of disjointed chanting. I found it hard to take in what was going on. This was my first time here, under the glacier. These people lived here, worked here and I presume froze to death here. Like some blasted, polished salt mine set in a huge tomb, the inner sanctum, the chamber was a noisy, eerie place. I took steps back as the noise grew. The words remained unclear to me, the language guttural.

The troopers were waving weapons now. That brought reaction. More shouting and random movements. Ranks would break and then reform almost in slow motion, some frozen manoeuvres and steps back and forwards.

"Every night it's like this" Said Tod. His voice filter through the half light and he stretched his arm in front of me. "Best we just observe from this distance". I wasn't about to argue. I understood the tensions and how, despite the posturing and cries, the lid seemed to be kept on the regular ritual. Stamping and name calling and then, once the cold bit harder there would be a retreat until the next time. It was all about showing force and solidarity, for both sides.